Every Wednesday we provide you with a NEW work out to do at home or at the gym. I have put together a few of the most popular from 'Work out Wednesday' for you to print off on the fridge and when you get a spare half an hour... FEEEEEL THE BURN!!
Sometimes getting to the gym just isn't going to happen but doing a work out at home seems a little more manageable. Maybe just before bed or just after your morning coffee. Prioritising moving is so important for you mood, your sleep, your productivity, and your metabolism.
If you are stuck for what to do at the gym why not take one of these work outs, you could even mix it up by adding some equipment where you can.
These work outs are programmed by the same gym (Mayhem Athlete) that programme our Primal Fitness classes.
What are you waiting for... Pick your favourite and lets get the ball rolling...

If you much prefer training at the gym or with a group of people but you haven't come across us before... We run a 24/7 gym and fitness classes for all ages and abilities. We also offer Personal Training if you are looking for that extra bonus. Please let us know if you have any Work out Wednesday requests. A leg special or a core blaster... Send it our way and it can be ready for Wednesday next week. Thanks Primal x